Eva Mrazek

The best venues in Salzburg for your promotional events and roadshows

Outdoor promotions are not only a good idea during a pandemic. We spoke to Stefan Heissel from Inspiria about the best venues in Salzburg to promote your brand and generate leads.

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If the prophet can't come to the mountain, the mountain will simply have to come to the prophet!


Even if the current restrictions do not allow for indoor events, or if you want to try out new ways of bringing your brand to life: promotional events and roadshows are the perfect platform to reach target groups that are difficult to reach by other means.


Inspiria is a Salzburg based agency  that specialises in precisely that kind of creative experiential marketing. Having gained experience from over 1000 events, Inspiria has been on the road for clients like Daimler, Škoda, Vorwerk, and Zurich for more than 20 years.

Location, location, location: the principle also applies to promotions

Stefan Heissel, managing partner at Inspiria, knows where and how promotional events in Salzburg promise the greatest success: 'The first places that come to mind are, of course, the large shopping centres. They tend to have their own designated areas for promotions and have the advantage that there is usually a stable number of visitors, regardless of the weather. In addition, they attract a very broad target group, which may or may not always be an advantage. You can, of course, request permission to use other highly frequented places like street crossings.'

Skoda in the Europark Salzburg

"The food trucks culture has really come back to life in recent years"

says Stefan Heissel, Inspiria

If the event needs to be outdoors, private car parks in the city centre or outside large furniture shops and shopping centres are a good choice. But even the 'micro location' of a promotional stand is relevant since foot traffic is not the same everywhere, Stefan explains: 'There are huge differences and we've been able to gather very valuable experience in nearly all the malls over a number of years.'

Does the location allow you to interact with your target group?

It is important not to lose sight of your intended target group. 'First, we always consider where we are most likely to find our target group,' says Stefan Heissel, describing Inspiria's approach. 'Then, we think about whether people will be willing to interact there. That won't be the case, for example, on the way out of a supermarket where people are passing the stand with their shopping bags full. A better place would be the waiting area outside a cinema.'


Or at a food truck, as the food truck culture with international specialities is a good way to guarantee lots of foot traffic. Stefan Heissel: 'The street food culture has really been booming again in recent years, offering an excellent place to promote the most diverse culinary concepts. Obviously, COVID-19 has given the trend even more of a boost over the past year and food trucks are doing better than ever.'

Location scouting - how it's done!

How do you find the most unusual event locations? We'll show you in this article!

Find out more!

Make your roadshow a lasting success

And what about permits? As tempting as it may be to simply pick a nice spot, there are a lot of regulatory conditions to consider. 'The rules for promotions are very strict everywhere, but they are also very clear. You simply need to clarify in advance what's allowed, and you'll also need to pay attention to issues such as fire protection, set construction, or branding,' explains Stefan Heissel.


Specifically responsible for areas in the city of Salzburg (Kapitelplatz, Residenzplatz, etc.) is:

Wolfgang Krainer
STADT SALZBURG, Wirtschaft, Beteiligungen und Grundstücke
Mirabellplatz 4
Postfach 63
5024 Salzburg
Tel: +43 662 8072 2206
Fax: +43 662 8072 2970
Email: wolfgang.krainer@stadt-salzburg.at
Website: www.stadt-salzburg.at

For the area by the car park outside the St Andrä church:

Manuel Mayr
Management assistant
Contipark International Austria GmbH
Reichenhaller Straße 8 | 5020 Salzburg
Tel: +43 664 88141184 | Fax: +43 662 80990-50
Email: mmayr@contipark.at | www.contipark.at

Once you have your concept, planning, and approvals, there is just one more essential thing to make your promotions a success: 'In the end, it's all about processing your leads. This must be planned in detail even before the campaign takes place. For example, if you need to call the contacts you acquired, it should be done as soon as possible, ideally no more than a week later,' Stefan Heissel tells of his experiences.

Creativity is what counts

Creative ideas are especially important to attract attention during promotions. After all, there are lots of distractions around and your competition may well be out at the same time. 'Three years ago, we sent six Santas all over Austria during Advent in their new "sleighs", which was a new car that had just been launched. There was a competition that allowed people to look for the Santas and take a photo with them,' Stefan Heissel says, describing a particularly successful recent project.


'They frequently stopped off for a moment in busy places and called out a loud "ho ho ho" through a megaphone. You don't actually need permits and a lot of preparation for things like that. All you need is motivated and creative promoters who are also spontaneous.'

The perfect product staging

Creativity & innovative ideas are the key to success. This is how global brands use events to showcase their innovations.

Get inspired!


Promotions and roadshows can bring your brand to life. An economically strong location like Salzburg with a per capita purchasing power of € 24,444 in 2019 (according to the market research institute GfK) is virtually made for these sorts of promotions.


Get in touch!

Who can arrange such promotions for you? We will be happy to arrange the necessary contacts in a personal consultation.

Send us an email at team@meetsalzburg.com or call us on +43 662 88987 271. We will be happy to support you at any time with our free and neutral service.